Undoubtedly, content optimization is a significant element of SEO. Therefore, the use of keywords in content is of great significance.

As part of preparing content briefs, SEO community uses tools like Ahrefs and Semrush, as well as the pages of their competition.

In Content Brief Generator, you can identify additional keywords other than the targeted keyword for content to be displayed on the landing page, as well as the relevant pages of your competitors with which they rank for these keywords.

What is Content Brief Generator?

Content Brief Generator is a free spreadsheet offered by Zeo. Developed with the contributions of SerpApi, OpenAI, and Andrew Charlton, the sheet is now available in version 2.

How to Use Content Brief Generator v0.2

For the Content Brief Generator, click the "Try It" button on the SEO Sheets page, where you can access the free tools Zeo provides.

Afterward, you will be taken to the spreadsheet where you can check out Content Brief Generator. You can create a copy of the Content Brief Generator tool by clicking the “Click Here to Use This Sheet” button.

Then, you will need SerpApi Key and OpenAI Key to generate alternative keywords for your page other than the target keyword. 

You can find the API key generated for you by SerpApi on the Dashboard screen.

Note: If you do not have a SerpApi account, you can click here to become a member for free. In its free plan, SerpApi offers 100 queries per month.

After copying your designated API key from the Dashboard, click on "Apps Script" in the Extensions drop-down menu in the spreadsheet, as shown below.

Paste the API key into the two “ENTER YOUR SERPAPI KEY” fields located on lines 21 and 56 in the Apps Script file.

And then add your OpenAI key to the Apps Script file.

Note: If you do not have an OpenAI account, you can click here to become a member for free. 

Copy your OpenAI API key from the "View API Keys" page, paste it into the "ENTER YOUR OPEN-AI API KEY" field, and then click on "Run".

After entering the API key, go back to the spreadsheet and enter the target keyword in the cell under "Enter A Focus Keyword", the URL of the relevant landing page in the cell under "Enter Your Web URL", the SERP language of your choice in the cell under "Enter SERP Language", and the SERP country of your choice in the cell under "Enter SERP Country".

Now, you will see the following on the right side of the spreadsheet:

  • Your top 10 competitors in the search results of the focus keyword, 
  • Your competitors' page titles and H1 tags,
  • The number of times the focus keyword is used in these tags.

On the other hand, at the bottom of the sheet, you will see the following: 

  • Top 5 keywords recommended to be used in the content,
  • Frequency of use of these keywords,
  • Recommendation on the frequency of use of the target keyword in the title tag.

Below this area, the Content Brief Generator tool suggests other alternative keywords.

We hope you find Content Brief Generator spreadsheet useful. :)

Your feedback and suggestions are valuable to us.

If you have any feedback or suggestions, or just want to say hi, you can contact us at hello@zeo.org.

See more Zeo tools at https://tools.zeo.org/.