
Core Concepts

Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)

A concept from educational psychology applied to AI, referring to tasks an AI can perform with guidance but not independently.
Techniques & Methods

Zero-Shot Learning

The ability of a model to correctly perform tasks it has not explicitly been trained to do, demonstrating generalization.

Yeoman's Work

Referring to diligent, hard work, often of a nature that is repetitive or requires a high level of effort and reliability.
Techniques & Methods

Word Embedding

A technique in NLP where words are represented as vectors in a high-dimensional space, capturing semantic similarity.
Core Concepts

Weak AI

AI designed and trained for a specific task, lacking the general cognitive abilities of human intelligence.

Vector Store

A specialized database for storing and retrieving vector representations of data, facilitating similarity searches.
Techniques & Methods

Vector Representation

The encoding of words or phrases as numerical vectors, enabling mathematical operations and comparisons by AI models.
Techniques & Methods


Different expressions or phrasings that convey the same intent or meaning, important in understanding natural language variability.
Core Concepts


In machine learning, the amount by which the model's predictions vary from the average prediction, reflecting sensitivity to training data.

Validation Data

Data set aside from the training dataset to tune model parameters and prevent overfitting, ensuring the model's generalizability.
Techniques & Methods


The process of evaluating a model's performance with a separate portion of the data not used in training, to gauge its accuracy.

User Interface (UI)

The means by which a human interacts with a computer, application, or machine, often focusing on ease of use.
Techniques & Methods

Upstream Sampling

A technique in generative AI where multiple outputs are generated and the best one is selected based on certain criteria.
Core Concepts

Unsupervised Learning

A type of machine learning where models learn patterns from unlabeled data, without explicit instructions.
Core Concepts

Turing Test

A test of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior indistinguishable from that of a human.
Model Components


A class of deep learning models that have revolutionized the field of natural language processing (NLP).
Model Components

Transformer Decoder

The component of a transformer model responsible for generating output sequences based on encoded information.
Model Components


A model architecture that uses self-attention mechanisms to improve performance on tasks involving sequential data.
Techniques & Methods

Transfer Learning

Leveraging knowledge gained while solving one problem to solve a different but related problem in machine learning.

Training Data

The dataset used specifically for training a machine learning model, containing examples for learning patterns and behaviors.
Techniques & Methods


The process of teaching a machine learning model to make predictions or decisions, typically by exposing it to a large dataset.
Techniques & Methods

Topic Modeling

A statistical model to discover abstract topics within a collection of documents, aiding in content organization and discovery.
Core Concepts


The smallest unit of processing in NLP, which could be a word, part of a word, or a character, depending on the model.
Techniques & Methods

Text Classification

The task of assigning predefined categories to text, used in applications like spam detection and sentiment analysis.

Test Data

A dataset used to evaluate the performance of a machine learning model after training, separate from training data.
Techniques & Methods

System Prompt

Internal cues or instructions that guide the behavior of an AI model, influencing how it processes and responds to input.
Core Concepts

Supervised Learning

A machine learning approach where models are trained on labeled data, learning to predict outcomes from inputs.

System Message

Predefined messages or prompts used in conversational AI systems to guide user interactions.
Techniques & Methods

Supervised Fine-Tuning

The process of refining a model's performance on specific tasks by training it further with labeled data.
Core Concepts

Strong AI

AI with the ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge in ways indistinguishable from human intelligence.
Model Components

Sequence-to-Sequence (Seq2Seq) Models

Models that transform sequences from one domain to another, commonly used in translation and summarization.
Techniques & Methods

Sequence Generation

The process where AI models produce a sequence of items, such as words in text generation, based on learned patterns.

Sentiment Analysis

The computational task of identifying and categorizing opinions expressed in text to determine the writer's attitude.
Techniques & Methods

Semantic Similarity

The measure of how much two pieces of text are related in terms of meaning, used in various NLP tasks.

Semantic Search

Search technology that understands the context and intent behind a user's query to generate more relevant results.
Techniques & Methods

Semantic Annotation

The process of adding semantic metadata to content, making it easier for AI to understand and process information.
Techniques & Methods


A mechanism that allows models to weigh the importance of different parts of the input data relative to each other.
Techniques & Methods

Scaling Laws

Observations that as AI models increase in size, their performance improves according to predictable patterns.

Sandbox Environment

A testing environment that isolates untested code changes and experimentation without affecting the production environment.
Model Components

Reward Models

Models that evaluate potential actions or responses in reinforcement learning to guide learning towards desired outcomes.
Model Components

Retrieval Model

A model that retrieves relevant information from a large dataset to support decision-making or responses.
Techniques & Methods

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

Combining retrieval of relevant information with generative models to produce informed responses.
Techniques & Methods

Response Quality

An evaluation of how well an AI system's responses meet the criteria of relevance, coherence, and accuracy.
Techniques & Methods

Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF)

Training approach where models are refined based on feedback from human evaluators.
Core Concepts

Reinforcement Learning

A type of machine learning where an agent learns to make decisions by taking actions in an environment to achieve rewards.
Techniques & Methods


Techniques used to prevent overfitting by penalizing complex models during the training process.
Model Components

Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)

A type of neural network well-suited for processing sequences of data, like text or time series.
Techniques & Methods


A request for information or action made to a database, search engine, or AI model.

QA (Question Answering)

A system that automatically answers questions posed by humans in a natural language.


A high-level programming language known for its clear syntax and readability, widely used in AI development.
Techniques & Methods

Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO)

A reinforcement learning algorithm that balances exploration and exploitation in policy learning.
Techniques & Methods

Prompt Injection

A technique used to influence or manipulate the behavior of AI systems through specially crafted inputs.
Techniques & Methods

Prompt Engineering

The art of crafting prompts to effectively communicate with and elicit desired responses from AI models.
Techniques & Methods


A text input given to an AI model, designed to elicit a specific type of response or output.
Techniques & Methods

Pre-training in AI

The initial training phase where a model learns from a large, general dataset before task-specific training.
Model Components

Predictive Model

A model that makes predictions about unknown future events based on patterns found in historical data.

Predictive Analytics

The use of data, statistical algorithms, and machine learning techniques to identify the likelihood of future outcomes.

Plugins / Tools

Additional software components that extend or enhance the functionality of an AI system or application.
Core Concepts

Pattern Recognition

The automated recognition of patterns and regularities in data using machine learning algorithms.
Techniques & Methods

Part-of-Speech Tagging (POS)

The process of marking up a word in a text as corresponding to a particular part of speech.
Model Components


A variable in a model that is learned from the training data and determines the model's output.
Techniques & Methods

Overuse Penalty

A technique to discourage repetitive or overly similar responses in generative AI models.
Core Concepts


A modeling error in machine learning where a model learns the detail and noise in the training data too well.


An AI research lab focusing on developing and promoting friendly AI for the benefit of humanity.
Techniques & Methods

Online Learning

A model training approach where the model updates continuously as new data arrives.
Techniques & Methods

One-Shot Learning

The ability of a model to learn information from a single example or a few examples.
Techniques & Methods

One-Shot / Few-Shot

Learning techniques where the model learns from one or a few examples, respectively.
Techniques & Methods

Offline Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Learning optimal actions from a fixed dataset without further interaction with the environment.
Model Components

Neural Network

A series of algorithms that mimic the operations of a human brain to recognize relationships in data.
Core Concepts

Natural Language Understanding (NLU)

The ability of AI to understand and interpret human language as it is spoken or written.
Core Concepts

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

The field of AI focused on the interaction between computers and humans through natural language.
Core Concepts

Natural Language Generation (NLG)

Generating coherent and contextually relevant text from structured data using AI.
Techniques & Methods

Named Entity Recognition (NER)

The process of identifying and classifying key information (entities) in text into predefined categories.

Multi-turn Dialogue

Conversations where participants exchange multiple sequences of messages, requiring context understanding.
Techniques & Methods

Multitask Learning

Training an AI model on multiple tasks simultaneously, leveraging commonalities across tasks.
Core Concepts

Multi-modal AI

AI systems that can process and interpret multiple types of data, such as text, images, and sound.

Moderation Tools

Tools designed to monitor and manage the behavior of AI systems, ensuring they adhere to guidelines.

Model Card

A comprehensive document providing essential information about a machine learning model's purpose and performance.
Model Components

Model Architecture

The specific layout and structure of a machine learning model, including its layers and nodes.
Model Components


A mathematical representation of a real-world process, trained to perform specific tasks using data.
Model Components

Maximum Response Length

The largest amount of text or data that a model can generate in response to a single prompt.
Techniques & Methods

Masked Language Modeling

A training technique where some words in the input are hidden, and the model predicts them.
Techniques & Methods

Markov Decision Process

A mathematical framework for modeling decision-making in situations with random outcomes.

Machine Translation

The use of software to translate text or speech from one language to another automatically.
Core Concepts

Machine Learning

The science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed, through learning.
Core Concepts

Machine Intelligence

Broad term encompassing the capabilities of machines to learn from data and perform tasks.
Techniques & Methods

Low Rank Adaption (LoRA)

A technique for fine-tuning large models in a memory and computationally efficient manner.
Techniques & Methods

Linguistic Annotation

The process of adding metadata regarding linguistic information to text, aiding in its analysis.
Core Concepts

Latent Variables

Hidden or unobservable variables inferred from observable data in machine learning models.
Model Components

Large Language Model (LLM)

An extensive model trained on vast amounts of text data, capable of understanding and generating text.
Model Components

Language Model

AI that understands, interprets, and generates human language based on statistical probabilities.


A tag or annotation applied to a piece of data, indicating the correct output for supervised learning.
Techniques & Methods

Knowledge Representation

The method by which AI systems model, store, and retrieve knowledge to solve complex tasks.

Knowledge Base

A centralized repository of information, used in AI to provide answers or contextual information.
Techniques & Methods

Joint Probability

The probability of two events happening at the same time in a probabilistic model.
Core Concepts


The underlying purpose or goal that a user aims to achieve through a query or statement.


A variant of GPT trained to follow instructions in prompts and generate more specific responses.
Techniques & Methods

Information Extraction

The process of automatically extracting structured information from unstructured text data.
Techniques & Methods


The phase where a trained model is used to make predictions or decisions based on new, unseen data.
Core Concepts


A parameter whose value is set before the learning process begins, influencing the training phase.
Techniques & Methods


Problem-solving approaches that use practical methods or various shortcuts to produce solutions.
Techniques & Methods


When AI generates information that is not grounded in reality, often due to training data issues.
Techniques & Methods

Greedy Algorithms

Optimization algorithms that make the locally optimal choice at each step to find a global optimum.
Model Components

GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3)

The third iteration of OpenAI's generative model known for its advanced text generation capabilities.
Model Components


In GANs, the component that creates data aiming to mimic real data as closely as possible.
Model Components

Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT)

A type of AI model specializing in generating coherent and contextually relevant text.
Model Components

Generative Model

A type of AI model that can generate new data instances similar to the training data.
Core Concepts

Generative AI

AI systems capable of generating new, original content or data that mimics real-world examples.
Model Components

Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)

A framework for training generative models through a competitive process between networks.
Techniques & Methods


The process of producing new content, such as text or images, based on learned patterns and data.
Core Concepts

General AI

Artificial intelligence that exhibits cognitive functions across a wide range of tasks and domains.
Model Components

Foundational Model

A large, versatile AI model trained on a broad dataset, capable of performing multiple tasks.
Techniques & Methods

Forward Chaining

A logical reasoning method that starts with known facts and applies rules to reach new conclusions.
Techniques & Methods

Fine Tuning

The process of adjusting a pre-trained model to perform well on a specific task or dataset.
Techniques & Methods

Fine-Grained Control

The capability to precisely adjust the output or behavior of an AI model based on specific criteria.
Techniques & Methods

Few-Shot Learning

The ability of a model to learn and generalize from a very small number of examples.
Techniques & Methods

Feature Extraction

Identifying and isolating useful information from data to improve model training and performance.
Techniques & Methods

Extractive Summarization

Creating summaries by extracting key sentences or fragments directly from the source text.
Core Concepts

Explainable AI (XAI)

AI systems designed to provide insights into their decision-making processes for transparency.
Techniques & Methods

Evaluation Metrics

Quantitative measures used to assess the performance and effectiveness of AI models.

Ethical AI Maturity Model

A framework for assessing and guiding the ethical development and deployment of AI systems.
Techniques & Methods

Entity Extraction

Identifying and classifying named entities in text into predefined categories.
Techniques & Methods

Entity Annotation

The process of labeling text with information about entities, enhancing data structure.
Core Concepts


Specific, identifiable elements in text, such as names, places, dates, often extracted by AI.

Enterprise AI

The application of artificial intelligence technologies to improve business processes and outcomes.
Model Components


A component of a model that processes and transforms input data into a usable format.
Model Components


Dense vector representations of words or phrases capturing semantic meaning for AI processing.
Techniques & Methods

Distributed Training

A method where AI model training is spread across multiple computers or servers.
Model Components

Discriminator (in GAN)

The component of a generative adversarial network that distinguishes real data from fake.

Dialogue System

AI technologies designed to converse with humans using natural language processing.


The process of making an AI model available for use in real-world applications or systems.
Techniques & Methods

Dependency Parsing

Analyzing the grammatical structure of a sentence to understand relationships between words.
Core Concepts

Deep Learning

A subset of machine learning involving neural networks with many layers to analyze data.
Techniques & Methods

Decoding Rules

Guidelines that dictate how a language model translates its internal representations to output.


A collection of data specifically prepared and structured for training or testing AI models.

Data Science

An interdisciplinary field that uses scientific methods to extract knowledge from data.

Data Privacy

Measures and practices to ensure that personal or sensitive data is not misused or disclosed.
Techniques & Methods

Data Mining

The practice of examining large databases to generate new information and find hidden patterns.
Techniques & Methods

Data Augmentation

A technique for increasing the amount of training data by adding slightly modified copies.

CRM with AI

Integrating artificial intelligence into customer relationship management to enhance interactions.


A large collection of texts used for compiling data and training machine learning models.
Techniques & Methods

Coreference Resolution

The task in NLP of determining which words refer to the same entity in a text.
Model Components

Context Window

The range of past input that a model can consider when generating a response or prediction.
Model Components

Contextual Embeddings

Representations of words or phrases that take into account the context in which they appear.
Core Concepts

Computational Learning Theory

A branch of artificial intelligence focused on understanding the algorithms that drive learning.
Techniques & Methods


The output produced by AI in response to a given input or prompt, completing the thought process.
Core Concepts

Cognitive Computing

AI systems designed to mimic human brain functioning, aiming for natural, human-like interaction.


An AI developed by OpenAI that can generate human-like text responses based on provided prompts.


Computer programs designed to simulate conversation with human users, often over the internet.
Techniques & Methods


A prompting strategy that encourages AI to break down complex problems into manageable steps.
Model Components

Bounding Box

A rectangular border used in visual processing to define the location of objects within images.

Big Data

Extremely large data sets analyzed computationally to reveal patterns, trends, and associations.
Core Concepts


Preconceived notions or predispositions in AI models that can affect decision-making and fairness.
Techniques & Methods

Beam Search

A search algorithm that efficiently finds the most likely sequences of outcomes in models.
Techniques & Methods

Bandit Optimization

A strategy for balancing the exploration of new choices and the exploitation of known rewards.
Techniques & Methods

Backward Chaining

A reasoning method that starts with the end goal and works backward to determine the solution path.
Techniques & Methods


A method used in training artificial neural networks, adjusting weights based on error rates.
Model Components

Autoregressive Model

Models that use previous time points to predict future values, common in time series forecasting.
Techniques & Methods


A statistical model that predicts future behavior based on past outcomes in time series data.
Core Concepts


Machines or systems capable of performing tasks and making decisions without human intervention.
Core Concepts

Augmented Intelligence

Enhancing human decision-making with AI capabilities, focusing on collaboration between humans and AI.
Techniques & Methods

Attention Mechanism

In AI, a technique that helps models focus on relevant parts of the input data, improving relevance.
Techniques & Methods


A mechanism in AI that allows models to weigh the importance of different pieces of information.
Model Components

Artificial Neural Network

Computing systems vaguely inspired by the biological neural networks in human brains.
Model Components

API (Application Programming Interface)

Interfaces that allow different software applications to communicate and work together.
Techniques & Methods


The process of ensuring AI behaviors and outputs adhere to human ethical standards and intentions.
Core Concepts


A set of mathematical instructions or rules that a computer follows to perform a specific task efficiently.

AI Trainer

Specialists who refine and enhance AI models by providing feedback on outputs and guiding learning.
Core Concepts

AI (Artificial Intelligence)

The simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, particularly computer systems.


AI entities capable of autonomously performing tasks across various domains, akin to digital assistants.
Techniques & Methods

Adversarial Training

Improves AI robustness by training with deliberately challenging inputs to enhance model accuracy.