SEO Glossary
SEO Terms & Definitions

Average Position
The average of the top positions of a website across all search results.
Link Building
Black Hat Link Building
Black hat link building refers to link building strategies utilized by actors who attempt to rank higher in search results by exploiting backlinks.
Link Building
Brand Anchor Text
Hyperlinks that are brand names and direct users to the brand website are called brand anchor texts.
Link Building
Citation Flow
Developed by Majestic, Citation Flow is a metric that is calculated using the number of backlinks on a website.
Link Building
Compound Anchor Text
Compound anchor texts are hyperlinks that possess the characteristics of different types of anchor texts.
Link Building
Disavow File
It is a .txt file that is created to disavow spam backlinks.
Link Building
Dofollow Link
When an external link from a website is marked as "dofollow", it means that the origin site passes its authority to the destination site and Google knows about it.
Link Building
Exact Match Anchor Text
Hyperlinks containing the targeted keyword are called exact match anchor texts.
Link Building
Internal Links
Hyperlinks that direct users from one page to another within a website are called internal links.
Link Building
Guest Posting
Webmasters can serve as guest bloggers on different websites operating in their field of activity.
Link Building
Link Bait
Link Bait is the method by means of which interesting and quality content that users will willingly share with the people around them is created.
Link Building
Link Farm
Websites that contain a large number of irrelevant links are called link farms.
Link Building
Link Juice
Link juice is the ranking potential distributed among the relevant pages or websites through hyperlinks.
Link Building
Money Anchor Text
Money anchor texts are hyperlinks that contain keywords which the website getting the backlink uses to achieve sales.
Link Building
Nofollow Tag
Nofollow tag is the href rel tag that gives the signal to the search engine bots to disregard specific links.
Link Building
Other Anchor Texts
Hyperlinks that contain words that are not keywords or brand names are used are called other anchor text.
Link Building
Spam Link
Artificial, bad, or manipulative links are called spam links.
Link Building
Sponsored Tag
The "sponsored tag" is used for hyperlinks that are advertisements, sponsored, or paid placements.
Average Session Duration
A metric that reports the average amount of time users spend on your website.
Conversion Rate
Defined as the number of visitors to a website, who complete the desired action out of the total number of visitors.
Direct Traffic
Direct traffic, a Google Analytics metric, refers to users entering a URL into their browser to directly access the website.
Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)
Conversion rate optimization refers to the practice of increasing the percentage of users who perform a desired action on a website.
Exit Page
The last page viewed by a visitor during a visit.
Fetch As Google
A free tool available on Search Console.
Google Trends
Offers data based on Google Search, which shows how frequently a particular search term is searched by users.
Refers to how many users view a web pages on search engine results pages.
New Users
Each visitor landing on a website is identified by Google Analytics with a unique ID.
Organic Traffic
The traffic that comes from accessing the site directly from visitor queries on search engines.
Pages / Session
The average number of pages viewed by a visitor during a session.
Paid Traffic
Paid traffic is characterized by the fact that it comes from paid promotions or advertisements.
Rank Tracker
Tools that help you keep track of all your rankings on your target keywords.
Search Console
It is a free Google tool that helps monitor the performance of a website and allows users to take a number of actions related to that website.
SEO Visibility
SEO Visibility, a scoring metric, is an indicator of how visible a website is in search results.
What is 10x Content?
The concept of 10x content, which was first used by Rand Fishkin in his video series called Whiteboard Friday, refers to content that is 10 times stronger than regular content.
What is Alt Text?
The alt text tag helps search engine bots to make sense of a given image. Alt text tags are visible to both visitors and engine bots.
Keyword Research
Keyword research is one of the most important search engine optimization tools. Activities concerning search volumes and user queries as a result of which a website is ranked or wants to be ranked are called keyword research.
Blog Content
The set of SEO-friendly content published on blogs or in the blog sections of websites are called blog content.
Commercial Intent
User queries that are made by users who intend to make a purchase but want to do research and obtain information beforehand are called queries with commercial intent.
Content Marketing
The method of promoting a product, service, or brand of a website through content that will benefit the users is called "content marketing".
Duplicate Content
Identical or fairly similar pieces of content on the same or different websites are called duplicate content.
Evergreen Content
SEO-friendly content that is not outdated and can be continuously consumed by users is called evergreen content.
Image Optimization
The process of optimizing images in terms of SEO and user experience is called image optimization.
Informational Intent
User queries that are carried out to gain information about a topic, to get answers to a question, or to satisfy one's curiosity about a topic are called queries with informational intent.
Category Content
SEO-friendly content that is created in order to inform website visitors and search engine bots about a category is called category content.
The words or phrases that most accurately represent the content on a page are called keywords.
Keyword Cannibalization
Keyword cannibalization is when a given user query is targeted by multiple pages belonging to the same website.
Keyword Density
Keyword density is the term used to express how often a targeted keyword is used on a web page.
What is Keyword Stuffing?
The method of hiding keywords on the page in a way that is invisible to users is called keyword stuffing.
User Comments
User comments about the content of a web page are of great value. Google gives great importance to user experience, and therefore, to users' positive or negative comments.
Long Tail Keywords
Keywords the user query volumes of which are lower than those of short-tail keywords and usually consist of three or more words are called long-tail keywords.
Navigational Intent
Queries of users who know what they are looking for and search for a helpful resource are called queries with navigational intent.
On Page SEO
All actions taken to comply with Google criteria and improve the performance of a website on search engine results pages are called On-Page SEO activities.
Short Tail Keywords
Keywords that consist of one or two words, offer the most general framework, and have the highest search volumes are called short-tail keywords.
TF measures the keyword density, while IDF measures how many different texts the keyword appears in.
Thin Content
Irrelevant and insufficient content that is not suitable for the target audience and does not meet the user demand is called thin content.
Transactional Intent
User queries made with the aim of purchasing a product or service are called queries with transactional intent.
User Intent
User intent refers to the reasons why users perform a given query, and it is a concept of significant importance for both websites and search engines.
Black Hat SEO
Refers to malicious activities for manipulating search engine results.
Google Discover
Proactively serves relevant content to users based on their interests.
Google My Business
Helps businesses to become more visible on Google searches and maps.
Negative SEO
Any malicious and unethical practice aimed at sabotaging the search rankings of a competitor's website.
Ranking Factor
Describes the criteria applied by search engines when compiling the rankings of their search results.
One of the most popular content management systems that allows you to create and manage websites for free.
Technical SEO
Code 200
A status code indicating that the server has responded successfully.
Technical SEO
Code 301
A status code indicating that a web page has been permanently redirected.
Technical SEO
Code 302
A status code indicating that a web page has been temporarily redirected.
Technical SEO
Code 404
A status code indicating that the web page is not on the relevant server.
Technical SEO
Code 410
A status code indicating that the web page is not on the relevant server, definitively and permanently.
Technical SEO
Code 500
A status code indicating that there is a server-related problem.
Technical SEO
Code 504
A status code indicating a technical issue with the server.
Technical SEO
Allow Command
Refers to the code for web pages that are to be crawled and indexed.
Technical SEO
AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)
AMP helps mobile pages load faster by keeping them in Google's cache.
Technical SEO
Search Query
A phrase or a keyword combination users enter in search engines.
Technical SEO
Breadcrumbs are a navigation aid that helps users easily understand the relation between their location on a page and higher-level pages.
Technical SEO
It is a type of memory that allows users to engage with the relevant web page faster on their next visit.
Technical SEO
CDN (Content Delivery Network)
Refers to the network technology that enables data to be transmitted over servers in certain locations.
Technical SEO
Client Side Rendering (CSR)
Refers to the technique by which the HTML file is processed by the browser and the content is rendered by the browser.
Technical SEO
Small text files saved on users' devices by websites are called cookies.
Technical SEO
Crawl Depth
The term crawl depth refers to how many pages a search engine's bot will access and index on a site.
Technical SEO
Critical Rendering Path
Refers to a specific set of steps that must be completed before any page content can be shown to a visitor.
Technical SEO
A markup language that helps visually shape the elements of a web page.
Technical SEO
DCL (DOM Content Loaded)
Refers to the time frame from entering a web page to the loading of the content.
Technical SEO
Disallow Command
A command used for web pages that are not to be crawled and indexed by bots.
Technical SEO
Index refers to the archive of web pages created for users by Google.
Technical SEO
Addresses that allow Internet users to access websites are called domains.
Technical SEO
Domain Authority
Refers to the rating that represents how powerful and authoritative a domain is.
Technical SEO
Dynamic Rendering
An intermediate solution developed to facilitate the crawling of bots on JavaScript-based sites.
Technical SEO
FCP (First Contentful Paint)
Refers to the point at which the first pixel renders on a screen after a user navigates to a web page.
Technical SEO
Featured Snippets
Short snippets of text that appear at the top of Google's search results in order to quickly answer a searcher's query.
Technical SEO
FID (First Input Delay)
Refers to the metric that represents how quickly a response is given when an action is requested after the page is loaded.
Technical SEO
FMP (First Meaningful Paint)
The metric representing the time it takes for a page's primary content to appear on the screen.
Technical SEO
Compressing Images
Refers to the process of optimizing and resizing images in order to increase the loading speed of pages.
Technical SEO
Gzip Compression
Refers to the process of combining and compressing similar indexes, repeated texts, and spaces in a source file.
Technical SEO
Hosting & Server
Refers to the service for enabling users to access a website.
Technical SEO
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)
A text markup language that enables the creation and editing of web pages and their components.
Technical SEO
HTML Sitemap
Sitemaps specially designed for users are called HTML sitemaps.
Technical SEO
Image Sitemap
Sitemaps that list URLs containing visual content.
Technical SEO
Indexing refers to allowing bots crawling and indexing a webpage.
Technical SEO
IP (Internet Protocol)
Refers to unique sequences of numbers assigned by service providers for devices connected to the Internet to communicate.
Technical SEO
Lazy Loading
Refers to the practice of delaying the load of an object on a page until the point at which it is needed.
Technical SEO
LSI (Latent semantic indexing)
Refers to a technique for examining the relationship between content and keywords used which user searches.
Technical SEO
Meta Keywords
Refer to keywords in the source code that give information to the search engines about the page.
Technical SEO
News Sitemap
Refers to sitemaps where webpages with news content are listed.
Technical SEO
Noindex Tag
Refers to tags for pages that are not to be indexed by bots.
Technical SEO
PageSpeed Insights
A Google tool that provides information about page opening speeds and user experience metrics.
Technical SEO
Pagination Tags
Refer to tags that allow linking between sequential pages and provide navigation.
Technical SEO
What is Path/Subfolder?
Subfolder refers to a folder on a computer that is located within another folder while a path refers to links formed by the ordering of folders.
Technical SEO
Pogo Sticking
It occurs when a user performs a search, clicks on a result, and very quickly clicks back to the search result page.
Technical SEO
Refers to rules and standards for how communication between the browser and the server takes place.
Technical SEO
Refers to connecting to the Internet via a proxy server.
Technical SEO
Rich Snippets
Refer to rich fields that contain page-related information other than title, description, and URL on result pages.
Technical SEO
Robots.txt File
Refers to text files that contain access permissions to websites for bots.
Technical SEO
Schema (Structural Data Markups)
Refers to markups used to help bots better understand the content on pages.
Technical SEO
SERP (Search Engine Result Page)
Refers to web pages served to users when they search for something online using a search engine.
Technical SEO
Server Side Rendering (SSR)
Refers to the technique by which the request is processed by the server and the output is passed to the browser.
Technical SEO
Website Speed Optimization
Refers to practices to provide faster access to websites.
Technical SEO
Refer to hyperlinks beneath the main URL that appear under search results pages.
Technical SEO
Refers to xml extension files that allow bots to examine the website faster and in more detail.
Technical SEO
Sitemap Command
Refers to the Robots.txt command that shows bots the path to the sitemap.
Technical SEO
SSL Certificate
Refers to a digital certificate that establishes a secure connection between websites and users.
Refers to a domain that is part of another domain.
Technical SEO
Server Status Codes
Refers to the three-digit responses that a server gives to a browser's request.
Technical SEO
Crawl Budget
Refers to the number of time bots are willing to spend crawling a given site.
Technical SEO
Title Tag
Refers to a tag that specifies the title of a web page.
Technical SEO
TTFB (Time to First Byte)
Refers to the time between the browser requesting a page and when it receives the first byte of information from the server.
Technical SEO
What is URL?
Refers to unique web addresses that provide access to a resource on the Internet.
Technical SEO
URL Shortening
Refers to shortening long and complicated links into more manageable URLs.
Technical SEO
User Agent
Refers to the robots.txt command for giving permissions to bots visiting a website.
Technical SEO
Refers to pieces of code that allow traffic-related information to be displayed and analyzed.
Technical SEO
Third Party Resources
Refer to external resources not originally included in a website.
Technical SEO
Country code top-level domains (CcTLD)
Refers to a two-letter Internet top-level domain specifically designated for a particular country.
Technical SEO
Video Sitemap
Refers to a sitemap with additional information about video hosted on pages.
Technical SEO
Refers to an encrypted connection over the Internet from a device to a network.
Technical SEO
Refers to a file format capable of making audio and video files considerably smaller.
Technical SEO
What does Whois mean?
Refers to the service that provides access to a lot of information about domain names.
Technical SEO
Redirect Loop
Refers to web pages offering endless redirects to other pages.
Technical SEO
Redirect Chain
Refers to cases where websites are redirected to other sites more than once.
Bounce Rate
Bounce rate refers to visitors that leave a web page without engaging with its contents.
A/B Test
A way to compare different versions of strategies to figure out which performs better.
ASO (App Store Optimization)
Refers to optimization practices aimed at making mobile apps more visible in stores.
Link Building
Broken Link
Hyperlinks on a page that do not work for one reason or another are called broken links.
Technical SEO
Canonical Tag
A self-referencing canonical tag ensures that multiple versions of the page don't get indexed separately.
Refers to the action of a user visiting a website after doing a search on a search engine.
Technical SEO
CMS (Content Management System)
CMS refers to systems where content can be managed, edited or various updates can be made.
Technical SEO
Code 400
A status code indicating that the server could not process the request due to a problem with the browser.
Technical SEO
Code 403
A status code indicating that access is not allowed or the relevant web page is banned.
Technical SEO
Code 502
A status code that occurs when the server receives a negative response from a different server.
Technical SEO
Code 503
A status code indicating that the server is either too busy to respond or under maintenance.
Technical SEO
Code 509
A status code indicating that the server has reached its monthly hosting traffic limit.
Technical SEO
Crawling refers to the process whereby bots systematically browse through a website.
CTR (Click Through Rate)
Defined as the ratio of the total number of clicks to the total number of impressions.
Technical SEO
Domain Age
Domain age represents how long it has been since the domain was first registered.
Technical SEO
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
An Internet protocol that allows the exchange of files between two online computers.
Technical SEO
Generic Domains (gTLD)
Refer to domains formed out of words with a dictionary meaning that have no suffix.
Google Analytics
A free performance analysis tool that provides detailed information about visitors to a website.
Google Tag Manager (GTM)
Refers to the tool that allows you to manage custom codes and tags on the website.
Technical SEO
Refers to the software developed by Google to create a searchable index and crawl the web.
Technical SEO
Heading Tags
Refer to tags that provide information about the hierarchy of content on a web page.
Technical SEO
Hreflang Tag
Refers to tags for specifying the language and geographical targeting of a webpage.
Technical SEO
Htaccess File
Refers to configuration files that allow restrictions and arrangements on a server.
Image Title
Title tags that help search engine bots make sense of the image are called image titles.
Link Building
Infographics are files in which information or data are presented using images and graphics.
Technical SEO
A popular software language that adds functionality, interaction, and dynamism to the page.
Technical SEO
Jump Link
Links that allow users to flow through seemingly long and complex website pages.
Landing Page
Refers to the page a user lands on after clicking on a link in an email, ad, etc.
An open source performance analysis tool developed to improve the performance of websites.
Local SEO
Refers to a set of practices to improve the performance of websites in local searches.
Technical SEO
Log File
Refers to files in which the transactions and movements of users are recorded on a daily basis.
Technical SEO
Meta Description Tag
Refers to a tag that provides information to users about the relevant web page on the results pages.
Technical SEO
Refers to pop-up windows that users encounter when they visit a page.
Link Building
Referring Domains
The value showing the number of different domains from which a website has backlinks.
Technical SEO
Resizing Images
Refers to the process of converting an image file in such a way that it consumes less space.
Technical SEO
Search Operators
Special characters and commands that extend the capabilities of regular text searches.
A group of user interactions with your website that take place within a given time frame.
Technical SEO
Soft 404
Refers to situations when the website server sends a 200 OK status for a page, but Google thinks the page should return a 404 code.
Link Building
Trust Flow
Developed by Majestic, Trust Flow is a metric that measures the trustworthiness of websites.
Link Building
The tags used in backlinks given through user-generated content are called ugc tags
User Experience
Refers to how a user interacts with and experiences a product, system, or service.
Technical SEO
Refers to an image format designed to create files that are smaller for the same quality.
Link Building
What are Hidden Links?
Links whose font colors are the same as the background of a website are called hidden links.
What does Above The Fold mean?
Refers to the content a viewer logging into a website sees before they scroll down.
Link Building
What does Backlink mean?
Reference links that direct users from one website to another are called backlinks.
Link Building
What does PageRank mean?
This is a metric developed by Google to measure the importance of website pages.
Link Building
What is Anchor Text?
Anchor text refers to the hyperlinks that are used to direct users to another page.
Technical SEO
What is Cloaking?
Refers to the technique by which search engine bots are directed to a specially prepared page.
Technical SEO
What is CSS Sprite?
Refers to the process of combining multiple images and retrieving over a single image file.
Link Building
What is Naked Link?
Naked links are hyperlinks that use the URL itself as the anchor text rather than a keyword.