
What is 10x Content?
The concept of 10x content, which was first used by Rand Fishkin in his video series called Whiteboard Friday, refers to content that is 10 times stronger than regular content.
What is Alt Text?
The alt text tag helps search engine bots to make sense of a given image. Alt text tags are visible to both visitors and engine bots.
Keyword Research
Keyword research is one of the most important search engine optimization tools. Activities concerning search volumes and user queries as a result of which a website is ranked or wants to be ranked are called keyword research.
Blog Content
The set of SEO-friendly content published on blogs or in the blog sections of websites are called blog content.
Commercial Intent
User queries that are made by users who intend to make a purchase but want to do research and obtain information beforehand are called queries with commercial intent.
Content Marketing
The method of promoting a product, service, or brand of a website through content that will benefit the users is called "content marketing".
Duplicate Content
Identical or fairly similar pieces of content on the same or different websites are called duplicate content.
Evergreen Content
SEO-friendly content that is not outdated and can be continuously consumed by users is called evergreen content.
Image Optimization
The process of optimizing images in terms of SEO and user experience is called image optimization.
Informational Intent
User queries that are carried out to gain information about a topic, to get answers to a question, or to satisfy one's curiosity about a topic are called queries with informational intent.
Category Content
SEO-friendly content that is created in order to inform website visitors and search engine bots about a category is called category content.
The words or phrases that most accurately represent the content on a page are called keywords.
Keyword Cannibalization
Keyword cannibalization is when a given user query is targeted by multiple pages belonging to the same website.
Keyword Density
Keyword density is the term used to express how often a targeted keyword is used on a web page.
What is Keyword Stuffing?
The method of hiding keywords on the page in a way that is invisible to users is called keyword stuffing.
User Comments
User comments about the content of a web page are of great value. Google gives great importance to user experience, and therefore, to users' positive or negative comments.
Long Tail Keywords
Keywords the user query volumes of which are lower than those of short-tail keywords and usually consist of three or more words are called long-tail keywords.
Navigational Intent
Queries of users who know what they are looking for and search for a helpful resource are called queries with navigational intent.
On Page SEO
All actions taken to comply with Google criteria and improve the performance of a website on search engine results pages are called On-Page SEO activities.
Short Tail Keywords
Keywords that consist of one or two words, offer the most general framework, and have the highest search volumes are called short-tail keywords.
TF measures the keyword density, while IDF measures how many different texts the keyword appears in.
Thin Content
Irrelevant and insufficient content that is not suitable for the target audience and does not meet the user demand is called thin content.
Transactional Intent
User queries made with the aim of purchasing a product or service are called queries with transactional intent.
User Intent
User intent refers to the reasons why users perform a given query, and it is a concept of significant importance for both websites and search engines.
Image Title
Title tags that help search engine bots make sense of the image are called image titles.