Paid Search Revenue: +144%, Paid Social Revenue: +154%

Since 1999, Yıldız Elektrik-İnşaat, which has been operating in the energy and electrical materials sector, carries its experience and success in the sector to the e-commerce platform with the Star Akım brand.

Star Akım is based on customer satisfaction by integrating the concepts of quality, service, speed and sustainability with retail sales activities. We produce economic solutions in line with the expectations and needs of our customers with our expert and experienced team in our head office, sales store and warehouse facilities in 7000m2 closed area in Ataşehir, Ferhatpaşa region.


We compete with marketplaces on the e-commerce platform. We are both increasing the roa and carrying out our branding works. Since our product scale is quite wide, we can say that we compete with almost all marketplaces.


In addition to branding activities, we aim to increase our current revenue by creating campaigns for our roas targets.


Paid Search

  • Sessions: +95%
  • Transactions: +89%
  • Revenue: +144%
  • New User: +74,3%

Paid Social

  • Sessions: +143%
  • Transactions: +165%
  • Revenue: +154%ş

*Results cover the period between 01.08.2023/31.01.2024 and the previous period.