Onur Özcan
  in AI Blog

22 Aug 2023

Artificial intelligence is rapidly changing the way we live and work. And, in the world of content marketing, AI is being used to create everything from blog posts to social media captions. So, it has revolutionized various industries, including content creation.

While AI-generated content can be a valuable tool, it's important to humanize it so that it doesn't read like it was written by a machine.

In this article, we'll explore what AI content is, why it's important to humanize it, and how to do it. We'll also provide essential tips for writing human-like AI text that will engage your audience.

So, without further ado, let's get started!

What Is AI Content?

AI content refers to text, articles, blog posts, and even whitepapers generated by intelligent algorithms. While this technology offers numerous advantages, there is a growing need to humanize it.

AI-generated content is the outcome of machine learning algorithms that can analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and generate written content that is coherent and relevant. 

These algorithms are trained on extensive databases of text, enabling them to mimic the style and tone of human-written content.

How Does AI Content Help?

The integration of AI content into various industries has brought numerous benefits.

Gaining Speed: To start with, AI content enables businesses to scale their content production. This provides them a cost-effective solution to the ever-increasing demand for high-quality content. It's possible to generate articles and blog posts at a rapid pace with AI tools.

Improving Efficiency: Another benefit of AI-generated content is to boost efficiency and productivity. Algorithms can process large amounts of data quickly, ensuring content is based on the most up-to-date information available. AI can also assist in identifying and correcting grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors, enhancing the overall quality of the content.

Personalizing User Experiences: Did you know that AI content can personalize user experiences? Yes, you’ve read that right. By analyzing user data and behavior, AI algorithms can tailor content to individual preferences and provide personalized recommendations. Sounds good, right? Because this would lead to higher engagement and customer satisfaction.

Why Is It Important to Humanize AI-Generated Content?

While AI content offers significant advantages, there is a risk of it sounding robotic and lacking the emotional connection. Are you worried about that? Well, you don't need to worry about it anymore.

I will provide essential tips to create this emotional connection by humanizing AI-generated content. But, before we move on, let me explain why it's important to humanize AI text.

1. Better Conversion

Are you a business blogger or someone who writes business emails? Well, if you are, then you've probably thought about how to get more conversions while aiming for a good spot on the SERP.

Here's the thing: Just relying on AI writing tools alone might not be the best approach when it comes to conversion.

You see, AI tools have their strengths, but they can sometimes miss the mark when it comes to injecting emotion into your content. And guess what? Emotion is a key factor in boosting conversions.

That's why humanizing AI content is so important. It would help you create a strong connection with your audience.

2. Emotional Resonance

We are emotional beings. And we connect with content that evokes emotions. Emotional resonance plays a vital role in capturing and retaining people's attention.

By humanizing AI content, we can infuse it with warmth, empathy, and personality. This is key to making it more relatable and engaging.

Excellent, right?

3. Building Trust

Humanized AI content helps you build trust with your target audience.

Let's see how.

Firstly, authenticity is a key factor in building trust. When your content feels genuine and relatable, it's much easier to create a connection between the reader and the brand.

By humanizing AI content, we can foster trust and credibility, leading to increased customer loyalty and brand advocacy.

4. Creativity and Uniqueness

While AI algorithms can generate coherent and informative content, they often lack the creative flair and unique perspectives that humans bring to the table.

Humanized AI content, on the other hand, blends the best of both worlds.

It harnesses the efficiency of AI algorithms while infusing it with the creativity and originality of human authors.

How to Humanize AI-Generated Content

You've got your AI-generated content, but you're wondering how to give it that human touch? Well, if you're looking for the answer to this question, you've come to the right place.

Because I'll show you some fantastic techniques that will transform your AI-generated text into something that feels like it was written by a real person.

So, get ready to add that special spark of emotion and personality to your content!

1. Choose the Right AI Tool

There are a number of AI tools awaiting you. Each tool comes with pros and cons. You can use ChatGPT, Google Bard, Jasper, Rytr, or Wordtune to create AI text.

These tools are really helpful. Some are efficient and accurate, while others are still in the beta phase or constantly evolving to keep up with the ever-changing online world.

It's crucial to find the right AI tool that fits your needs perfectly. So, how do you determine the best AI tool for your project? 

Let's consider a few key factors:

Target Audience: First of all, think about your target audience. Who are you writing for? Knowing your audience will help you choose a tool that aligns with their preferences and needs.

Content Type: Next, consider the type of content you want to produce. Are you looking for help with social media captions, meta descriptions, video scripts, marketing copy, product descriptions, or generating post ideas? Different tools specialize in different areas. So, finding one that caters to your specific content requirements is essential.

Budget: Budget is another aspect that you should consider. Are you looking for a free tool, or are you willing to pay for additional features? Assessing your budget will help you narrow down your options.

Time: How much time do you have? Time is precious and finding a tool that saves you time is a game-changer. Look for features like automation, suggestions, and streamlined workflows that can expedite your content creation process.

Integration: Integration with your existing cloud infrastructure is also worth considering. If you use cloud-based tools or platforms, finding an AI tool that seamlessly integrates will ensure a smooth workflow.

Language Options: If you operate in a multilingual environment or cater to an international audience, a tool that provides a multilingual option will be a valuable asset.

Once you've considered these factors, you'll have a clearer picture of your ideal fit. The right AI tool will not only help you write better content, but also adhere to most of your commands.

2. The Magic of Anecdotes, Analogies, and Humor in Humanizing AI Text

In the realm of AI content, there's a secret ingredient that can truly transform the way your text connects with readers: Anecdotes, analogies, and a dash of humor. 

These elements have the power to inject personality and relatability into your AI-generated text. And they also make it feel less like cold, calculated code and more like a genuine conversation.

Anecdotes are like little windows into the human experience. They provide glimpses of real-life situations, personal stories, or scenarios that your readers can easily relate to. 

Think about it – we're all drawn to stories, and weaving a relevant anecdote into your AI content can instantly create a bond with your audience. 

It's like sharing a knowing nod or a friendly wink that says, "Hey, I've been there too."

Analogies, on the other hand, are the bridges that connect the familiar with the unfamiliar. They take something complex or abstract and liken it to something everyone understands. Just as explaining a difficult concept becomes simpler through a relatable analogy, your AI-generated content gains accessibility and charm when you incorporate well-placed comparisons. 

It's like describing AI algorithms as the gears of a creative machine – suddenly, it's not just code, but a symphony of innovation.

And let's not forget about humor. Laughter is universal, and it's one of the most potent ways to create a connection. Adding a touch of light-heartedness to your AI text can make it instantly more engaging. 

A clever quip, a playful metaphor, or a well-timed joke can all serve as delightful surprises that keep your readers hooked. Just remember, humor doesn't have to be uproarious; even a subtle chuckle can work wonders.

So, don't forget to keep these tools in your arsenal. Anecdotes, analogies, and humor can breathe life into your text. 

Embrace the power of these elements, and watch as your AI-generated content becomes not just informative, but an enjoyable experience that leaves a lasting impression.

3. Add Visuals (GIFs, Infographics, Videos, Images)

Alright, let's talk about giving your content a real face-lift – and I don't mean just words. Visuals are like the cool sidekicks that make your AI-generated content pop and resonate with your audience.

Firstly, we've got infographics. These are like superhero summaries that take complex stuff and break it down into easy bites. A splash of colors, some neat graphics, and short, sweet text – suddenly, even the most intricate ideas are as clear as day.

Secondly, there are videos. These are your storytellers. They're not just eye candy; they bring personality with voices, facial expressions, and real human vibes. Whether it's a tutorial, a peek behind the scenes, or a good old storytelling session, videos add that personal touch that people connect with.

Images, well, they're like the snapshots that bring context. They show, not just tell. A well-picked image can stir up emotions and create a vibe that words might miss.

And finally, GIFs – those short, snappy animations that add a dash of humor and personality. They're like the witty remarks in a conversation, making your content feel alive and fun.

So, don't just settle for words. Sprinkle in these visual gems – infographics, videos, images, and GIFs. This is important to make your AI text go from ''meh'' to ''wow''. 

It's like giving your content a big, friendly high-five!

4. Don't Forget to Add Personal Instances

Now, let's get personal! 

One way to really humanize your AI content is by sharing your own experiences. Yes, you heard it right – sprinkle in a bit of your own life. 

It's like inviting your readers into your world, making the whole thing more relatable and down-to-earth.

Tell a short story about how you faced a challenge, learned a lesson, or had a eureka moment. It doesn't have to be a novel, just a little snippet that shows your human side. This personal touch creates a connection, like a friendly chat over a cup of coffee.

Remember, your experiences are your secret sauce. They make your AI content not just informative but also authentic. So, go ahead, share a piece of yourself and watch your content shine with that personal glow!

5. Getting Noticed: Optimizing for Search Engines

We all know that search engines are the gateway to online discovery. So, when you're humanizing your AI text, don't forget to optimize it for search engines like Google.

Let's take a look at how to do this: 

- Keywords and search intent: Find out what your audience is searching for and sprinkle those keywords into your content. It's like making your content easier for search engines to find and understand.

- Formatting: Break your content into bite-sized chunks with headings and subheadings. Think of it as giving your content a roadmap. This helps search engines and readers navigate smoothly.

- Internal and external linking: Include both internal links to other pages on your site and external links to credible sources.  

Last but not least, speed matters. Slow-loading content can send folks running. So, optimize images, use a speedy web host, and keep your site mobile-friendly. It's like rolling out a red carpet for your readers.

Remember, it's not just about being human. It's about being found by humans too. So, as you humanize your AI content, sprinkle in some SEO pixie dust and watch your content shine on those search engine result pages!

P.S. For more information on how to optimize your content for search engines, please see our article here: A Guide to Create Quality and SEO Friendly Content

6. Editing and Proofreading

Editing and proofreading are like the final brushstrokes that turn your AI-generated text into a masterpiece.

Editing is like a sculptor chiseling away excess material. It's about refining your ideas, smoothing out rough edges, and ensuring your message shines through clearly. When you read your content with fresh eyes, you'll catch things you missed before.

Proofreading, on the other hand, is like being a detective. It's about hunting down those sneaky typos, grammatical glitches, and punctuation blunders. Give your content a thorough check, word by word. Trust me, those tiny errors can pack a big punch if left unchecked.

But remember, it's not just about the technical stuff. It's about keeping your content's soul intact. Does it still have that human touch? Is it resonating emotionally? If not, tweak it until it sings.

So, as you wrap up your humanization journey, don't skip this step. Because this is crucial. Editing and proofreading are the tools that ensure your content is not just relatable but also impeccable. It's like adding that cherry on top of your content cake – the last little detail that makes all the difference.

Make it Yours: Infusing AI Content with Your Voice

Let's talk about making that AI-generated text truly yours. Your audience isn't just a bunch of bots, after all. They're real humans with real feelings. So, infusing your content with your unique voice is like rolling out the welcome mat for genuine connection.

Imagine your content as a conversation over coffee. Your tone, your quirks – they're what make the chat interesting. The same goes for your AI-generated content. Sure, AI is a wizard at efficiency, but don't forget the human touch that we all crave.

Now, let's get real about proofreading. It's like giving your content a spa day – getting rid of any wrinkles, whether they're emotional or grammatical. Mistakes happen, but a quick polish can turn a good piece into a great one.

So, as you wield the power of AI, remember to sprinkle in your personality. It's like giving your content a heart, a soul, and making it a true reflection of you. After all, isn't that what connects us all?

The Final Words

In the realm where technology and humanity intersect, the art of humanizing AI content emerges as a transformative force. As we've journeyed through this article, we've unraveled the layers of how to bring that human touch to the digital realm, infusing AI-generated text with emotions, authenticity, and relatability.

From anecdotes that create a shared experience, to visuals that engage both the eyes and the heart, we've explored the myriad ways to turn sterile content into a vibrant conversation.

We've seen how humor and personal instances can make AI text relatable, and how optimizing for search engines ensures that our humanized gems find their way to the eager eyes of readers.

But it doesn't end there. 

The true magic lies in taking the time to edit, refine, and perfect our content. In this age of fast-paced creation, the value of a discerning eye can’t be overstated. It's here that we bring all the elements together: Voice, emotion, and clarity – in a symphony of humanization.

So, let's remember that we hold the power to transcend the mechanical and make our words resonate with human souls. As creators, we become curators of connection, bridging the gap between technology and heartfelt communication.

With each step we take to humanize AI content, we pave the way for a future where content is not just information, but an experience that leaves an indelible mark!